In the study performance standards for teachers were developed and validated. A ten-step procedure was followed to\r\nensure procedural and internal validity. National competences and specific content standards for supporting nursing\r\nreflection skills development formed the foundation of a preliminary rubric framework which was piloted. Forty\r\nparticipants from six nursing institutes judged the developed rubric framework of eight competences covering thirty rubric\r\nattributes. They also discussed the prerequisite minimum performance level and judgmental models. These judgments and\r\ndiscussions resulted in consensus on the rubric framework, a general cut-off score, and a conjunctive judgmental model\r\nthat is convenient for assessing nursing teachers� competences. The rubrics can be used in a teacher training program. Also\r\ninstitutes of nursing education can employ the rubrics as a tool for preparing and formatively assessing students� reflection\r\nskills.